
What To Expect When Working With A Marketing Agency

Written by Claire Monkman | Mar 31, 2021 1:19:53 PM

The decision to work with an agency is an exciting one, but it can be a bit daunting if you don’t know what to expect. While you’re searching for your ideal agency partner, you should expect collaboration, expertise, and transparency.


1.  Collaboration 

When working with an agency, collaboration is key. Not only should there be internal collaboration happening within the agency’s team, but also with you. A good agency should openly communicate with you to ensure you get the most out of your marketing efforts. Bouncing ideas off one another is a sign of a great client-agency relationship. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your agency when you have an idea to talk through! As the client, it’s important that your needs are being met. They should act as an extension of your team and work with you on your way to success. 


    2.  Expertise 

At an agency, you should expect expertise. Those that work at an agency have unique backgrounds, various worldviews, and valuable experiences. Most importantly, they are experts in their field. When you work with an agency, you are investing in that expertise. As a whole, a well-rounded agency will have a diverse background. Working in various industries is valuable, as each one has unique problems to solve. In turn, those lessons can help your marketing efforts. As the client, it’s helpful to be open to your agency’s expertise and trust their knowledge.


    3. Transparency 

When an agency is transparent and honest with you, it builds trust. Your business is personal and important to you, so your agency should feel the same way. They should ask a lot of questions to gain a better understanding of your goals and your brand. A strong agency will admit if they don’t know something and be willing to learn. As the client, reciprocating transparency and honesty is just as important. Remaining transparent with one another will prevent confusion or feelings of frustration. In your relationship with your agency, there should be open, honest communication along with mutual respect and trust. 

These are three areas we feel are important, but we expand on this topic in our podcast. You can learn more about the benefits of working with an agency by giving our podcast a listen here:

-Claire, Junior Graphic Designer


We hope you feel empowered to make decisions while finding your agency. As a member of the creative team at Zipie, I can confidently say that we highly value collaboration, expertise, and transparency. If you are ready to talk more about your marketing needs, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to drop us a line!